Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  5099 Views  | 



or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, the testes look like walnuts and are male reproductive organs. Serves to produce lubricating water. In front of the colon below the bladder, around the urethra and benign prostatic hyperplasia. without cancer, not sexually transmitted

The exact cause is unknown, but age and testosterone are associated with enlargement of the prostate gland.

It is found more than half in men aged 60 years and more than 90% in men aged 70-80 years. will have difficulty urinating and having to urinate frequently, especially at night Severe enlarged prostate, eg. Bladder infections, kidney problems, and burning if the bladder is permanently damaged. Prostate treatment can be bad. The sooner it is found, the less likely it is to cause complications.

From the history taking and physical examination by inserting a finger into the anal fistula Blood test for PSA to screen for prostate cancer Ultrasound to assess the bladder for scrotum pressure and other abnormalities


Taking medications such as alpha-blockers such as tamsulosin helps to reduce bladder obstruction. Other drugs, such as finasteride, are used to decrease testosterone production. make the prostate smaller If drug treatment is unsuccessful Surgery is necessary by TURP and transurethral microwave therapy, transurethral needle ablation.

Things to do

Be aware of the side effects of medications such as Dizziness, dry mouth

Tell your doctor if you take any medications, herbs, or other nutrients. These substances can cause symptoms.

should be aware of the side effects of surgery such as urinary incontinence clotting and bleeding problems

It should be understood that 10-30% of men with enlarged prostate can develop enlarged prostate cancer.

You should tell your doctor if you are unable to urinate or have bleeding after surgery.

don't do

Don't forget that caffeine Cold and antihistamines affect testicular symptoms.

Be sure to talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of a blood test for PSA. to assess the risk of prostate cancer


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