Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  11950 Views  | 



Priapism is a condition in which an erection lasts longer than 4 hours that is not associated with sexual stimulation. Priapism is a medical emergency that requires proper treatment. Incorrect referral or treatment can lead to penile necrosis or subsequent erectile dysfunction. This is a rare condition. It usually occurs in children aged 5 to 10 years with sickle cell erythrocyte disease and in men 20-50 years of age or drug-induced.

The cause is still unknown. In the younger age group, it is related to people with abnormal blood cells or cancer. The abnormal red blood cells clog the blood vessels that supply the axis of the penis. Occurring acutely during this sleep It may cause the bladder to be full and unable to excrete. In men whose erectile dysfunction increases the risk, antidepressants, anticoagulants, alcohol, alcohol, other causes such as injury, spinal cord injury metabolic or nervous system disorders or blood clots

Recurrent erections It may be long term or permanent. The symptoms come and go, the erection lasts less than 3 hours and becomes painful. But there will be no problem with having sex. For the acute type, the symptoms last for hours and days. Erection and pain Persistent erections, the duration of symptoms is weeks or years. There will be no pain during erection.

From the history taking, physical examination, blood test, ultrasound done by a urologist. And if there is an abnormal blood cell disease, it will be treated together with an internal medicine physician for blood diseases.


Drink a lot of water and urinate often. For symptoms to appear immediately, soak in warm water, exercise. If symptoms do not improve within 3 hours, need to be hospitalized, give saline and pain relievers. A transfusion of blood may be performed. If this does not improve, it will be necessary to drain the remaining blood in the penis core. Doing all of this doesn't get any better. The surgeon may perform a blood vessel surgery.

Things to do

You should clear your urine as much as possible.

Avoid dehydration

don't do

Do not ignore if you have any abnormal symptoms.

Do not take any other medicines other than prescribed by your doctor.

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