A single use laryngoscope with a box comes with a special curve blade which is adjustable for every curves of a tongue and chin.
- JiaHandle, an airway set handle
- A bronchus observing pad size L macintoch No. 4 Length 155 mm with installed LED light
- A bronchus observing pad size M macintoch No. 3 Lenght 130 mm with installed LED light
- A bronchus observing pad size S macintoch No. 2 Lenght 100 mm with installed LED light
- A bronchus observing pad size ss macintoch เบอร์ 1 Lenght92 mm with installed LED light
- A bronchus observing pad size L Miller No. 1 Lenght 80 mm with installed LED light
- A bronchus observing pad size S macintoch No. 0 Lenght 53 mm with installed LED ligh
- A bronchus observing pad sizeS macintoch no. 00 Lenght 43 mm with installed LED ligh
Equipped with a transparent box with seperated channels for better organization