Last updated: 6 Aug 2024 | 10050 Views |
In young people, EBV can cause infection. mononucleosis which affects the respiratory system, liver and lymphatic system It is spread by close contact (kissing, sharing food or utensils) and coughing. Severe infections can affect people with weakened immune systems, such as people with HIV. People undergoing cancer chemotherapy and people taking medications to prevent organ rejection. EBV infection in such people can be associated with oral lesions, hirsutism, and long-lasting infections can cause chronic fatigue. EBV infection is also associated with an increased risk of developing certain types of lymphoma. Lymphatic cancer (cancer of the lymphatic system) and other cancers (nose and throat or nasopharynx) EBV resides in some cells throughout life. The virus can come back again. Usually asymptomatic and people can infect others
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