Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  44130 Views  | 



A cyst is a clear watery sac that forms around the scrotum. sagging of the sac common in newborns It can be both on both sides and on one side. In babies, it usually goes away on its own. And this scrotum can occur in the elderly as well.

Usually occurs during the development of the scrotum as the testicle descends into the sac where bodily fluids are involved and if water is not reabsorbed and the sac does not close completely. It will cause the scrotum to occur. This can cause infection, inflammation and subsequent injury. The scrotal scrotum is not contagious to the neighboring person.

Rarely, the scrotum is very painful, it can be swollen on one side or both sides. It looks like a balloon filled with water.

From the history taking, physical examination Or use an ultrasound to look at the fluid in the scrotum and look for other more serious causes, such as scrotal torsion or tumors.


It usually goes away on its own within 1-2 weeks, if it doesn't improve, surgery through the use of anesthesia may be necessary. I feel that only And another possible treatment is direct suction of water from the scrotum by a urethral surgeon. The complications that can be found are Bleeding and infection can follow.

Things to do

You should see your doctor immediately if your testicles become swollen.

You should seek an opinion from a urethral surgeon if you are considering surgery.

It should be noted that after surgery, cysts can recur by 2%.

You should notify your doctor if pain or swelling develops.

You should see a doctor if there is bleeding after surgery. increased swelling or pain

don't do

Remember that the scrotum does not affect the erection.

Don't forget to notify your doctor if you have swollen testicles. It could be another cause such as bulging epididymis twisted testicle or tumors


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