Premature abruption

Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  13616 Views  | 

Premature abruption

Premature abruption

Premature abruption is a serious complication of pregnancy. The placenta sloughs off the inner wall of the uterus before it's due for delivery. Which can be divided into 3 types, divided into levels 1, 2 and 3, where the pond tells the severity of the disease. The placenta that peels from the uterine wall Can't make it back to stick to the wall as before. If the condition is not treated promptly, it can affect the mother and child. where oxygen and nutrients to the baby are reduced and Mother bleeds abnormally. Therefore, it is a complication that the surgery to remove the child prematurely is considered a medical emergency.

Unknown for sure, but not due to genetics. The risks that can cause such as high pressure. many times pregnant an abnormal pregnancy called chorioamnionitis and polyhydramnios This is considered a risk as well. Born under 20 and over 35 High blood pressure during pregnancy, diabetes, smoking, cocaine use and had a history of drinking heavily while pregnant

The main symptoms such as vaginal bleeding Abnormal uterine contractions or fetal distress, which depends on laboratory examination and checking the baby's heartbeat Constriction and weakness, low blood pressure, tachycardia, abdominal pain, back pain, Grade 1 severity. There will be uterine contractions and mild bleeding, stable pulse, stable fetal heart rate, lab coagulation profile is normal. Severity level 2 Start your uterus and choose more. pressure starts to drop The infant was under stress and the coagulation profile was abnormal, severity level 3. is the most severe level Severe uterine contractions and heavy bleeding, low blood pressure, fetal death, poor coagulation profile.

Diagnosis from history taking and physical examination, blood tests and other tests If the possibility of other diseases can be ruled out Suspecting this condition, an abdominal ultrasound was performed. and attach a baby heart rate monitor to observe fetal distress

Let the mother be treated in the hospital to be in a normal state first. Give fluids and medication to control blood pressure and normal diuresis. which abdominal surgery to remove the baby is urgent and should have blood bags ready before the surgery starts
For children who are close to term or just undergoing first-degree violence. may be able to give birth through a vagina Specific medicines to treat both mother and child must also be given during treatment.

Things to do
You should call the clinic where the pregnant woman feels hot or has a rapid heartbeat and abdominal pain.
Always fasten your seat belt while sitting in a car to prevent shock.
should go to the antenatal clinic and Follow up
It should be treated if the mother has diabetes or high blood pressure.

don't do
Do not use decoctions, cauldrons, or herbal remedies. without consulting a doctor
Do not smoke while pregnant.
Do not drink alcohol or use drugs. such as cocaine

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