cervical cancer

Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  8530 Views  | 

cervical cancer

cervical cancer

The cervix is ​​the tip of the uterus.
The entrance door to the inside of the womb cervical cancer will develop cancer cells in this area In order to detect cervical cancer, a method known as a pap test is used, which increases the chances of timely treatment.

Risks that arise, such as having sex before the age of 18 Change multiple sexual partners, smoke, use birth control pills. or children whose mother has taken diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy. People who have been infected with HPV, which is transmitted through sex with someone who has the infection.

Usually there are no symptoms until the cancer cells grow in size. This will experience vaginal bleeding or bleeding during sex. May find secretions from the vagina Cancer that has invaded nearby tissues can cause back pain, frequent urination, and a change in bowel movements.

A pap smear is 95% accurate and as fast as it detects cervical cancer cells. Women over 20 years of age (or younger if they've had sex before) should have a pap smear regularly, at least until age 65.
If the pap smear is abnormal, the gynecological department will use a camera to perform a coloposcopy. (to check for abnormal cells in the cervix) and if necessary, a biopsy for examination will be able to do so immediately to be examined again

It depends on the severity of the cancer cells. Severity refers to where the cancer cells have spread and how many cancer cells are there. Level .0-4 depends on how far the cancer cells have spread. which the doctor will use to examine the pelvic floor Blood and urine tests, X-rays, and CT to check the severity In addition, examination methods such as cystoscope and protosigmoidoscopy (This is a method of examination by using light to illuminate the area. Urinary hole or anus with a barrel inserted into the sequence.)
Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Early stage cancer cells are treated using laser or cryotherapy or cut off. hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), radiation therapy, chemotherapy

Things to do
You should understand that good nutrition is important after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
It should be understood that there are many medical disciplines involved in the treatment.
should see a doctor immediately abnormal bleeding
You should see a doctor immediately when you feel pain. an abnormal bowel or bladder have secretions from the vagina or have a fever after surgery
You should see your doctor immediately if you have hot flashes. Vaginal dryness and pain during sex
Should contact with personnel who can help with services such as Department of physical therapy, home care, finance and transportation

don't do
Do not fail to follow up on symptoms according to doctor's appointments.
Don't forget to keep yourself active and exercise regularly, which can also benefit the disease itself.


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