pregnancy test

Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  16401 Views  | 

pregnancy test

pregnancy test

pregnancy test The dip consists of pregnancy test strips and urine measuring cup There is a way to use it. Collect urine in a urine measuring cup (it is recommended to urinate in the morning after waking up. will have the best results) Then dip the side of the pregnancy test strip with the arrow pointing down in the urine measuring cup for 3-5 seconds and wait for the test results.

The droplet pregnancy test consists of pregnancy test cassette , urine measuring cup and a dropper for sucking water, urine, how to use it Collect urine in a urine measuring cup (it is recommended to urinate in the morning after waking up. will work best), then use the urine tube in the box to suck up the urine for about 4-5 drops. Slowly drip it down until it's done. and wait for the test results

pass pregnancy test or a urine pass, consisting of a pregnancy test stick The method of use is Give urine through a pregnancy test stick. By passing urine through the bottom of the arrow enough to soak for about 5 seconds, close the cap, place or hold it flat. and wait for the test results

The results must be read within 5 minutes, if left longer. that used to be a single limit of some companies There may be another dash. which is not pregnancy and unreliable
1. If it goes up 2 lines, it means it's positive (pregnant).
2. If there is only one tick mean negative (must be at the C mark) Not pregnant or may be pregnant but still not detectable
3. If there is not a line, it means that the result cannot be read or the bar is damaged from production. Or waste from improper storage or expired or using old urine for a long time. The examination at that time did not work. Had to get a new one to check.
4. If the T line appears faintly, it means that it is still uncertain. It is advisable to wait a few days to test again.

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