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12 Jun 2023
Bacterial food poisoning is a common disease that results from eating contaminated food.
17 Aug 2022
Cholesterol is a type of fat or fat. Helps the body work better Cholesterol is created in the liver and carries fat into the bloodstream. In the body, cholesterol makes a protein-fat chemical called lipoprotein. Lipoproteins are grouped into VLDLs, LDLs, which are “bad cholesterol,” and high-density lipoproteins, HDLs, which are “good cholesterol,” help remove fat. From the bloodstream, higher HDL levels are better than VLDL and LDL can clog arteries, high levels of cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides. Fatty substances (fatty substances) increase the risk for hardening of the arteries. (atherosclerosis) and heart disease
19 Nov 2021
Caused by the body not getting enough iron in the body to make red blood cells.
6 Sep 2021
It is an organ surrounded by the stomach, intestines and other organs. produces gastric juice and the hormone insulin These enzymes are transported to the intestines. Inflammation and swelling of the pancreas affects digestion. And if the symptoms are immediate, along with other complications, it can be life-threatening.
24 Jun 2020
The colon is one of the digestive systems. The digestive system starts from the mouth to the stomach, followed by the small intestine. And after digestion and absorption of food is complete, it will be left as fiber that slowly moves through the colon before reaching the rectum and out into the anus.
23 Jun 2020
Caused by inflammation of the colon wall, nutrients and vitamins are difficult to absorb. Most people, if the disease is treated, can lead a normal life. This disease mostly occurs in older women. 15-25 years older than men And this disease is not genetically transmitted and there is no way to prevent it.
12 Jun 2020
This is a condition in which the lower esophageal tissue is abnormal. Usually the lower esophagus and stomach are obstructed by a sphincter, preventing the backflow of stomach acid. When normal squamous tissue becomes columna, 5-10% can develop esophageal cancer.
12 Jun 2020
a condition in which the esophagus It is a food tube that connects to the mouth and stomach. In this condition, both solid and liquid food can pass through the stomach. Because the sphincter does not expand after food enters. This condition can occur at any age and cannot be prevented.
12 Jun 2020
part of the colon It is the last part of the digestive system. which is where food passes and becomes feces before excreting from the body This disease is caused by a weak colon. resulting in a small bag
8 May 2020
Alcohol addiction is a condition that usually occurs in people who drink alcohol regularly. in excess is drinking more than 14 drinks per week or more than 4 drinks at a time