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Defibrillator With many free gifts
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Automatic electrical cardiac resuscitation machine, FDA approved, imported.
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jia yuwell y8
Automatic defibrillator with free gifts, signpost, floor cabinet, and ambient breathing equipment.
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aed yuwell with free gifts, hanging cabinet, mask, first aid kit, poster, aed sign, breathing equipment
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World standard AED Phillip
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Jia Wall Mount AED
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Electric shock pad (PadPak)
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Razor to used in emergency room
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Jia Stand Box For AED
Jia Standing box for every types of AED Height 135 cm Width 45 cm
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HeartSine samaritan® PAD 500P AED for heart stimulation in the case of abnormality in heart beating or sudden stops which will help gaining back the normal rhythm. Not only that but also the CPR feedback system that can evaluate both speed and depth as AHA2015 guideline specifically this model
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Defibrillation accessory AED model AED Life
Sold 2 items