Wash your hands to prevent disease

Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  9320 Views  | 

Wash your hands to prevent disease

Wash your hands to prevent disease

What germs can hands carry?

- respiratory tract infections Respiratory infections such as colds, tuberculosis, influenza, measles and contact with objects, utensils or patient's secretions (snot, saliva, sputum, blood).

- Gastrointestinal diseases From contaminated hands and taking food into the mouth, such as diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning, hepatitis A. various parasitic diseases

- Communicable diseases from direct contact such as conjunctivitis, fungal disease, skin inflammation, scabies, herpes, contact caused by hands touching the wound, abscess, pus directly.

- Severe infectious diseases such as the deadly influenza (SARS), avian influenza

When should you wash your hands?

- Wash your hands before preparing and cooking.

- Wash your hands before eating.

- Wash hands after excretion

- Wash your hands before and after touching the patient.

-Wash your hands after the activities that make your hands dirty.

7 easy steps to wash your hands properly and hygienically

1. palms rubbing together

2. Palms rub the back of the hand and between the fingers.

3. The palm is touched by the palm and between the fingers.

4. The back of the fingers rub the palm.

5. Rub the thumb around with the palm.

6. Fingertip rub palm

7. Rub around the wrist.

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