lack of menstruation

Last updated: 6 Aug 2024  |  10585 Views  | 

lack of menstruation

lack of menstruation

Typically, menstruation stops during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, or during menopause. Women of childbearing age who miss their periods are called "menstrual disorders". Amenorrhea, which is divided into two types, primary or secondary, depending on whether the symptoms occur before or after the first menstruation. If it is a primary type Occurs when menstruation is reached and there is no menstruation. Early adolescents were 16 years of age, but did not show signs of reproductive age. Secondary type was a pre-menstrual type but had a missed period of 6 months. Most of the patients were secondary.

The cause is usually caused by damage to various glands such as the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries, and uterus. For some women, it's caused by abnormalities of the vagina or uterus, which requires surgery to resolve the issue. Risks that cause lack of menstruation, such as losing water too quickly hypothyroidism Take birth control pills or contain progesterone. chronically ill Amenorrhea is not passed on through genetics.

The abnormal symptoms are no period Other symptoms depend on the cause of the lack of menstruation, such as weight gain, tiredness, hair loss, dry skin, difficulty excretion, slow heart rate.

A doctor makes a diagnosis based on history taking, physical examination and lab results. Your doctor may need to do an X-ray or ultrasound to find out more. As a first step, to rule out pregnancy suspicions by taking a pregnancy test, doing a brain MRI to examine the pituitary gland. and the hypothalamus gland If the cause is suspected, abdominal and pelvic CT or other tests are performed to check for abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries. which a general physician must refer to a specialist in gynecology and endocrinology to assess treatment in conjunction with

Depending on the cause that caused the symptoms or the patient wants to prepare for pregnancy Therefore, patients need to be treated for endocrine systems such as hirsutism, low voice, beard, where some people have these symptoms. The drug used to treat medroxyprogesterone This will help to improve menstruation. Doctors will recommend hormone replacement therapy (estrogen), calcium, vitamin D for some patients. If the patient is already receiving supplemental hormone (estrogen), the doctor will recommend that the progesterone supplementation is used to prevent uterine cancer. Other drugs may be used for patients with Congenital adrenal gland problems ovarian insufficiency The thyroid gland produces less hormones. In the case of organ dysfunction patients require surgical treatment. as for patients with water problems abnormal eating behavior too much exercise Consultation with a nutritionist is required. for patients who lack amenorrhea due to disease PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome) requires treatment with weight control, exercise, and metformin. Patients with genetic predisposition to menstruation must consult genetics only. Treatment is at the discretion of the specialist. Patients with depression, loss of appetite, or eating and putting their throats in order to puke. or mood disorders should consult a psychiatrist to find a solution.

Things to do
You should consult a medical professional as advised.
Water should be controlled to be in the standard criteria.

don't do
Do not stop taking this medication or change the dosage you are taking without your doctor's permission.
Do not take decoctions, potions, boluses, or other medications not prescribed by your doctor.


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