5 Feb 2021
Fungal infection of the feet or ringworm It is more common in athletes to have a characteristic (ring or oval shape), but this is not a cause of infection. These infections are named for where they occur, such as ringworm on the body.
16 Sep 2020
is an infection with salmonella bacteria in the stomach and intestines Some people with mild infections will get better within 4-7 days without treatment. Many people can spread the infection if they eat the same food, such as in a restaurant, and some even have severe diarrhea. need to provide water to replace
20 Jul 2020
The rectum is the last part of the large intestine where feces. It is stored before it leaves the body through the anus. When the anus or gland area becomes infected with bacteria Causing a hole to be implanted in the intestine where the pus is stored, forming a large abscess can occur around the anus It is more common in males than females.
9 Jul 2020
is an infection of the female reproductive organs The infection spreads through the cervix into the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and throughout the lower abdomen.
9 Jul 2020
It is a contagious disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. There are two types. Type 1 causes blisters in the mouth and can be on the genitals. The second type is the most common cause of genital infections.
24 Jun 2020
lung infection can be born at any age but usually occurs under the age of 40 is 5-20 years Some people stay sick and treat themselves at home without realizing they have pneumonia. This infection can occur throughout the year. especially during winter
24 Jun 2020
pneumonia from nimmosis can affect life More than half healed But some groups with weakened immune systems have a lower chance of recovery. This infection can recur without preventive medications.
12 Jun 2020
a lung infection from a virus born at any age And people who smoke, the elderly, people with chronic lung disease are more likely to get infected. For individuals with weakened immune systems from chemo, or Taking suppositories after organ transplantation has the potential for CMV pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia can be seen after the lungs become infected with the virus due to the weakening of the lungs.
12 Jun 2020
Influenza is a respiratory infection. Symptoms will occur suddenly in about 7-10 days and the duty will disappear. Some people can heal on their own without treatment.
11 Jun 2020
It is the most severe form of pulmonary sepsis. Occurred for the first time in China in November 2002. Found most of the outbreak in Asia. But three vehicles can stop the outbreak in a year. 2003July Most infections occur in adults over 65. Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, where the immune system is already weak, is more prone to infection. Because SARS is a severe disease and causes a large number of deaths to 4 people Therefore, it should hurry to find the source of the outbreak. Diagnose and control the outbreak as quickly as possible.
19 Feb 2020
It is caused by an increase in the number of endemic bacteria or the presence of foreign bacteria resulting in irritation, inflammation, swelling, and a foul odor, especially after sex. As a result, the endemic bacteria in the vagina are disturbed and multiply. This is the main cause of vaginal infections.
19 Feb 2020
It is a contagious disease of the skin and tissues. Most often occur in young people. for example in children aged 2-8 years In adults, the symptoms are more severe and last longer.
5 Feb 2020
It is a viral infection of the top layer of skin and is highly contagious, especially in children and adolescents. If the genitals will be called a sexually transmitted disease
4 Feb 2020
This causes a weakened immune system known as AIDS. Because the virus destroys white blood cells called lymphocytes for a blood test that is too early.
3 Feb 2020
It is an infection of the skin and hair glands or the skin at the base of the hair. When the gland ruptures, an infection develops as white pustules appear on the skin. can happen to anyone